I am stuck at 160 soul cinders and have run each wing multiple times but no longer receiving the soul cinders. This item, sold for 3000 Cosmic Flux to players Honored or higher with The Enlightened, provides enough Soul Ash and Soul Cinders to craft a rank 7 legendary item. I especially applaud the Soul Ash and Soul Cinder changes - the primary means of farming those resources is Torghast, so making Torghast feel rewarding reduces the need to farm it over and over again to get the materials you need for your Legendaries. 9.1: torghast missing soul cinders Support Customer Support Dankarooz-bleeding-hollow June 30, 2021, 10:41pm 1 Hello - I believe I somehow did not loot Soul Cinders from one wing of my torghast, but it gave me completed rewards anyways. Obtain Soul Ash and Soul Cinders with Cosmic Flux - New Hotfixed Item Players have noticed a new item being sold by The Enlightened - Bag of Explored Souls. It’s overall a good move in terms of letting players feel like they can make meaningful progress on these items. With all the ranks you’ll need to get the Legendaries up to their maximum potential, that’s a lot of farming and/or gold you’re going to have to expend to complete these items.
⬆️ Slight increase to drop amounts of Lightless Silk, Shadowlands Ores, & Callous Hides.Īll in all, we’re looking at a lot of changes that seem tailored towards making it easier to craft Legendaries, either to allow your main to have multiples for different builds/specs, or to get your alt properly geared up with Legendaries after using the various catch ups in patch 9.2. ⬆️ Slight increase to drop rates of Progenitor Essentia & Heavy Callous Hides. ⬆️ Significant increases to Soul Ash & Soul Cinder earned from Torghast. How significantly? Well, according to Wowhead, we’re looking at triple the pre-hotfix levels of both Soul Ash and Soul Cinder drops.
More significantly, however, the drop amounts for Soul Ash and Soul Cinder that you can get in completing Torghast have been significantly increased. 1 on June 29, Soul Cinders are a new currency used to upgrade Legendary items to the fifth.

For one, the drop rates of Progenium Essentia and Heavy Callous Hides were buffed slightly, while the drop amounts of Lightless Silk, pretty much every Shadowlands Ore except for Progenium Ore, and Callous Hide were also buffed a little. That’s why the recent hotfix to drop rates for a variety of crafting materials is so significant. Along with Soulbinds and Covenant powers, Legendaries are one of the main avenues towards personal power progression in Shadowlands, and that’s only become more true in patch 9.2 with the Covenant-specific Legendary items allowing you to equip two at once.

Up until now, Legendaries have required a significant investment either in time to gather materials or in gold to purchase the materials from the Auction House. It hasn’t been easy to craft Legendaries in WoW - but it just got a lot easier.